Facebook post by Hop Hideout Beer Shop

🤞 Fingers crossed “with a little help from our friends” True North Brewery and as Sheffield’s son Joe Cocker would sing, we’ve our first wooden cask of 2025 on this weekend at Hop Hideout in Leah's Yard. Stones was originally brewed in 1948 up until the late 90s in Sheffield. Joe probably even had a pint or two of it, along with many steelworkers in the city and even likely the Little Mesters’ workers in Leah’s Yard. #Stones did even end up by 1992, the UK’s highest selling bitter! Dean from True North has been brewing it back in Sheffield since 2020 and the brewery is a 10minute walk from Hop Hideout. They use Challenger and Goldings hops and the original Stones yeast strain. Serving it from our wooden pin in Leah’s Yard will be a lovey step back in history but with a foot firmly in the present. 🙏