Facebook post by Hop Hideout Beer Shop

New beer, new brewery for us; though we’ve been meaning to order some for a little while! Manchester based @balancebrewing focus on mixed-culture and barrel fermented beer. Well that’s a big tick from us then 😂✅ Plus we’re pretty sure Will from the brewery used to come in the old Hop Hideout many moons ago and there was a seminal meet the brewer event, though we’re not listed on their ‘About Us’ page in the back story 😆 Anyhoo, this is right up ours and YOUR funky street…. “Clingstone is a blend of two barrels filled in July and August 2021, fermented with Kveik yeast, Saision yeast, lactobacillus and brettanomyces before ageing for five months on second use damsons. This beer foregrounds the fascinating character of the damson stone alongside a refined and delicate fruit character. The aroma is full of sweet almond, rose and juicy plum with earthy funk tying it all together. A full body and moderate acidity amplify the vinous character with notes of damson jam, vanilla and marzipan. Drink now or age to see where the funk takes it!”