Facebook post by Miller & Carter Sheffield City Centre IKC

Coffee and a catch up? ☕️ tag a friend and drop a hint! Delicious Lavazza coffees, Twinings tea and Cadbury hot chocolate. Why not go for a mini dessert and hot drink? With choices of Banoffee pie, Creme Brûlée or Belgian Chocolate Brownie 😋 we won’t tell if you don’t… Call or visit our website to book your next visit: 📞 0114 3082720 https://bit.ly/BookYourTableHereSheffCC #steakexperience #steakexperts #steakhouse #steak #sheffield #millerandcartersteakhouse #eatingoutinsheffield #millerandcartersheffield #sheffieldcitycentre #millerandcarter #fortheloveofsteak