Facebook post by Miller & Carter Sheffield City Centre IKC

We couldn’t not bring back this gorgeous photo from Miller & Carter perfectly showcasing our delicious Sunday sharer, which has returned to our restaurant this January! 🍗🥦 🤎Succulent Roast Shropshire Chicken 🤎Flavour Packed Lamb Rump - cooked to your liking. 🤎Hand-Grilled 30 Day Aged 12oz Ribeye - cooked to your liking as usual. 🤎Accompanied by Camembert mash, crispy potatoes, sauteed greens and of course - classic Yorkshire puddings. 🤎And perhaps the best part - UNLIMITED beef dripping gravy! Don’t delay, book in now to avoid disappointment! 🤤 Call or visit our website to book your next visit: 📞 0114 3082720 https://bit.ly/BookYourTableHereSheffCC #steakexperience #steakexperts #steakhouse #steak #sheffield #millerandcartersteakhouse #eatingoutinsheffield #millerandcartersheffield #sheffieldcitycentre #millerandcarter #fortheloveofsteak #sundayroast #Sunday #sundaydinner #sheffieldsundaylunch