Facebook post by Miller & Carter Sheffield City Centre IKC

Sunday sharing board Miller & Carter Sheffield City Centre IKC SUCCULENT ROAST SHROPSHIRE CHICKEN Half a succulent Shropshire roast chicken, delicately cooked for maximum flavour FLAVOUR PACKED LAMB RUMP Tender and melt in the mouth, cooked pink or to your liking HAND-GRILLED 30 DAY AGED 12OZ RIBEYE Award winning British & Irish steak, bursting with flavour, recommended medium ACCOMPANIED WITH OUR SEASONAL INDULGENT SIDES Camembert Mash Crispy Potatoes Sauteed Greens Yorkshire Puddings PLUS - ENJOY UNLIMITED BEEF DRIPPING GRAVY! Available all day Sunday To elevate your Sunday experience, our wine experts have hand-picked wines to perfectly compliment our Miller's Sunday Sharing Board. Book now 📞 0114 308 2720 https://bit.ly/BookYourTableHereSheffCC #sunday #sundaysharingboard #millerandcarter #millerandcartersteakhouse #steakhouse #steaknight #steaklovers #steakdinner #steakexperience #fortheloveofsteak #eatingoutinsheffield #sheffieldcitycentre #SteakExperts #steak