Facebook post by Miller & Carter Sheffield City Centre IKC

January doesn’t have to be blue ☔️. It can also be rare, medium rare, medium… Speaking of rare, our rare treats menu is back!! ❤️3 courses from £25.95, 3 courses from £29.95. ❤️Available Sunday-Thursday all day, Fridays and Saturdays until 5pm. Enjoy some of your favourite dishes at a discounted price this January, perhaps even spend the gift card you received for Christmas! Call or visit our website to book your next visit: 📞 0114 3082720 https://bit.ly/BookYourTableHereSheffCC #steakexperience #steakexperts #steakhouse #steak #sheffield #millerandcartersteakhouse #eatingoutinsheffield #millerandcartersheffield #sheffieldcitycentre #millerandcarter #fortheloveofsteak