Facebook post by Miller & Carter Sheffield City Centre IKC

🥩MEAT the team!🥩 It’s been a while since we’ve introduced you to our team… so here’s Ethan! Our lovely bar geek, who has been with us for around 6 months. Ethan’s knowledge on cocktails is unrivalled, and he has even bartended for some famous faces in the past✨ he is a local lad, born and raised in Sheffield, we won’t mention which team he supports though… His favourite cocktail of ours is our Piña Colada 🥥perfect for a sunny summer afternoon ☀️next time you’re in, say hi! 👋🏻 https://bit.ly/BookYourTableHereSheffCC #steakhouse #steak #sheffield #millerandcartersteakhouse #eatingoutinsheffield #millerandcartersheffield #sheffieldcitycentre #millerandcarter #fortheloveofsteak #meet #the #bartender #cocktail #meettheteam