Facebook post by Miller & Carter Sheffield City Centre IKC

Did you know we have 20 fabulous rooms upstairs at our Innkeepers Collection Hotel? 🏨🛏️ Affordable, comfortable and luxurious rooms, located right in the city centre. Offering a gorgeous breakfast and the best steakhouse in Sheffield right below you… what’s not to love?🥰 Book via Booking.com or direct through Innkeepers website! https://www.booking.com/Share-cr7zKzT https://www.innkeeperscollection.co.uk/hotel/miller-carter-sheffield#/ Book a table in the restaurant to accompany your stay here: https://bit.ly/BookYourTableHereSheffCC #steakhouse #steak #sheffield #millerandcartersteakhouse #eatingoutinsheffield #millerandcartersheffield #sheffieldcitycentre #millerandcarter #fortheloveofsteak #city #centre #hotel #citycentrehotel