Facebook post by Sheffield Food Tours

December Tour availability 🍽️ 🍕🚶 Taste of Kelham Island 7th December - 2 places 14th December - 6 places 21st December - 10 places https://www.kelhamislandfoodtours.co.uk/taste-of-kelham... Kelham Food & Beer Tour 7th December - 6 places https://www.kelhamislandfoodtours.co.uk/kelhamfoodandbeer... Taste of Sheffield 14th December - 4 places 21st December - 10 places https://www.sheffieldfoodtours.co.uk/a-taste-of-sheffield... We also have a few slots for small private tours of 4-8 people, please get in touch to find out more: https://www.kelhamislandfoodtours.co.uk/contact